EXPRESS AutoCare appreciates your interest in its services and your visit to this Web site. Your privacy is important to us and we want you to feel comfortable visiting our site.
You may be asked to give us personal information when you visit a Web site. It is your option to provide the information requested. These web sites are maintained in different countries around the world, and are intended for visitors from those countries. If you give us personal information, that information will be maintained in accordance with the laws of the country in which the Web site is maintained. You should look for specific privacy information for the applicable country on those Web sites.
All Rights Reserved. The text, images, graphics, sound files, animation files, video files and their arrangement on any EXPRESS AutoCare Internet site are all subject to Copyright and other intellectual property protection. These objects may not be copied for commercial use or distribution, nor may these objects be modified or reposted to other sites. The EXPRESS AutoCare Internet site also contain images that are subject to the copyright rights of their providers
Unless otherwise indicated, all marks displayed on EXPRESS AutoCare Internet site are subject to the trademark rights of EXPRESS AutoCare, including each of its corporate logos and emblems.
CANADA. Market Only
In visiting a site, if you give us personal information in order to receive any type of information or service in return from us, we collect and store that information. Such personal information enables us to fulfill your information request.
In visiting a site, if you review or download information, we track visits to the sites and collect the totals in order to measure the number of visitors to our Web sites. Such information is helpful to better design our Web sites for you, because we know which sites are frequented. However, we do not automatically collect your personal e-mail address simply because you visit a site. All we know, based on the information that we collect, is the number of times on a date that a particular Web site was visited.
You should also know that we do not sell any of the information about you that we have collected or stored. This also means that we would not provide it to other companies, marketers, magazines or any other third parties who are not our contractors and who have not signed a confidentiality agreement with EXPRESS AutoCare.
All information contained at this Internet site is intended for the CANADA market only. The accuracy of this information cannot be guaranteed, particularly since this information is subject to change and relies of information provided by outside sources.
All results and remarks are based upon current information at the time of programming. Although descriptions are believed correct, complete accuracy cannot be guaranteed. EXPRESS AutoCare reserves the right to make changes at any time, without notice or obligation, in the information contained on this Internet site, including and without limitation to prices, incentive programs, results, remarks and specifications.
Unsolicited suggestions, ideas or other submissions to EXPRESS AutoCare will be treated as non-confidential and nonproprietary. EXPRESS AutoCare has a specific department and procedure for receiving and processing all outside suggestion materials. You may send suggestions to the following address:
Cette information est fournie par EXPRESS AutoCare ’tel quel’ et sans aucun garantie, a exprimé ou a impliqué, y compris (mais non limité) à toutes garanties implicites de valeur marchande, de forme physique ou pour tout but particulier, ou violation. Tandis qu’on pense que les informations fournies sont précises, elles peuvent inclure des erreurs ou des inexactitudes. En conséquence, en employant cette information, vous convenez que EXPRESS AutoCare (ses filiales y compris, agents, officiers, directeurs, employés et assureurs) ne sont pas responsable des dommages de quelque sorte, y compris (mais non limité) aux dommages consécutifs ou spéciaux résultant de votre utilisation ou accès.
EXPRESS AutoCare à chercher de réaliser un site Internet innovateur et instructif. Nous espérons que vous serez aussi enthousiaste que nous sommes au sujet de cet effort créatif. Cependant, vous devez également comprendre que EXPRESS AutoCare a droit de protéger sa propriété intellectuelle, y compris ses brevets, marques déposées et copyright. En conséquence, SVP appréciez qu’on n'ait accordé aucune licence pour grouper la propriété intellectuelle d’EXPRESS AutoCare par ce site Internet.